We build long-term customer relationships that provide tangible business benefit and impact. We don't sell one-size-fits-all solutions; rather, we are interested in learning what distinguishes your institution, what will satisfy your unique requirements, and how to best serve your distinct vision and mission now and into the future.
Higher Education Expertise
MRD Soft has assisted universities with implementing, managing, and maintaining their Human Resources, Student, and Financial systems. Our higher education senior consultants are business process experts. They have worked as faculty, senior administrators, and leaders in academic, student, human resources, financial, and information technology positions within a diverse array of colleges and universities. Our consultants average more than 13 years of higher education experience and 8 years of technology experience.
Solutions that Meet Today's Needs
We offer a full range of consulting, technical, and managed services to help you anticipate, identify, and address your institutional needs with strategic and affordable solutions. We provide project management, functional, technical, and management consulting services to plan, implement, upgrade, manage, and host business solutions using the latest technology—Software as a Service (SaaS), ERP and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Our Remote Help Desk offering provides cost-effective solutions to higher education institutions that have ongoing needs, but limited budgets. MRD Soft is a Workday Higher Education Partner.
The breadth and depth of our expertise in meeting the unique business needs of higher education, combined with our decades of experience delivering successful, large-scale, integrated software solutions, will help you realize the full potential of your institution's initiatives. Together we will develop a strategic, integrated solution to maximize your enterprise technology ROI.